Thursday, July 10, 2014

Part 5: Justin

R.J. Palacio developed multiple very well rounded characters. She however made Justin’s part a little different. Justin’s part of the story was written without capitalization. I’m not sure why R.J. Palacio went about this style, but I liked it. It gave a little more edge to Justin’s character. Maybe because of his artistic side, he was written in this style.
I was a little hesitate when I first saw a part was going to be about Via’s boyfriend. I was wondering how he was going to fit into the story, but it turns out he’s just like Via. He’s a kind, thoughtful, compassionate, teenage who cares very deeply about the people in his life. Justin also has tics, which is something that makes him different man most teenage boys, so he’s able to kind of feel where August is coming from.

 He’s never had much of a family, “olivia’s family tell each other “i love you” all the time. i can’t remember the last time anyone in my family said that to me.”  (pg 192) Being with Via and her family it’s possibly the first time he’s felt really accepted into a family, loved. 

Justin also has his brave side. He stands up for the people he cares about or people he believes has good hearts, for example, Jack. Even though threatening and violence isn’t the answer to solving problems, R.J. does this to show the good intentions of Justin.

“yo listen up. don’t mess with jack… mess with him and you will be very, very sorry.”

Justin also cares very deeply for Via. He’s one of the only people in her life that she feels that she can completely confide in since their galaxy revolves around August. He compares Via to a bird. He also ends his part by questioning the universe and how it could do this to Auggie. Justin ends by the chapter by saying “but the universe makes it all even out in the end. the universe takes care of all its birds” (pg 204).

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